Examples of Fixed Mindset: Thrive don't Survive
The examples of the fixed mindset show us that we all sometimes think that way, but to be successful in life and to have a happy life, it is not enough to survive we need to thrive.
Examples of fixed mindset are:
I want to do this, but I'm afraid someone better than me will show up and take my job.
I've been waiting for this job for a very long time.
I don't see how things could change for the better.
If we continue to work at this pace, we will soon fail.
The competition is too strong to succeed, we were destined to fail.
The situation is such that no one is doing well at work.
It's a crisis, we all feel it!
You can't succeed unless you have someone to push you forward!
Why does stupidity always happen to me?
Money comes to me very slowly and goes even faster.
I have to struggle a lot to make good money.
Some are lucky but I'm not.
I'm just unlucky to succeed in what I want.
Why am I so unhappy and everyone else around me is succeeding?
I've been in the same place for years.
No way to go as fast as I want.
I try so hard and it always turns out to be a waste of time and money.
Why doesn't the idea come up for me to make a lot of money, too?
It doesn't work for me, whatever it is!
For many things in life, you have to struggle a lot.
I do not see a way out of this situation.
I feel that I am not capable of the job.
I want to do this, but I don't think I'll be accepted for a full-time job.
You can no longer hold a job when the competition overtakes you.
Nobody goes into business, things have changed.
If I fail I will never recover from it.
I'm ashamed to ask for help, I feel like I'm praying for something.
A fixed mindset is a way of thinking
A fixed mindset is a way of thinking about ourselves and our life and the way we live it through the experiences we have experienced, and that knowledge gives us the impression of who we are and stops us from making the mistakes we have made in the past so that it keeps us from future failure and the shame of failure.A fixed mindset is a mindset of scarcity and poverty that is afraid to return to that state if it has experienced it, and that fear realistically prevents us from any change we should make that carries a potential risk to us.
Examples of the trigger of the fixed mindset
Have you looked at your competition?
Have you met all the requirements for the job?
Do you have a school for the job?
Ready for a job interview?
Are you ready for a business meeting?
Do you have all the paperwork you need?
Ready for defeat?
Get ready to lose money!
Do you have the necessary knowledge to do this?
Do you have enough experience?
I don't want something bad to happen to me again!
I'm scared of the responsibility that this job carries.
Everyone will condemn me for that.
I feel like something's going bad for me!
These days I'm not all mine!
A bad feeling has been following me all day.
I knew it would be bad, I felt it all day.
I'm just waiting for something bad to happen.
It can't be good, you can see from far that it won't.
Happiness does not come alone. It must be accompanied by misfortune.
In vain you do everything you do if you are out of luck.
If you weren't born with a gold spoon, there's no way it'll pay off.
Don't go in, it won't end well.
You know it will end badly so don't start that job.
The competition is too big to succeed.
Do you know what you're doing?
Examples of fixed mindset phrases:
It's a league above me.
They are too far above me, I know that.
It's too much competition for me to succeed.
It's too complicated for me to get into!
We survive slowly.
We have a hard time coping with that.
Time has run over us and not good for success.
It's going very slowly.
Not everything is perfect and it can't be.
It can't be all you want.
Not everything goes as you imagined it.
I'm not going to do it today, I'll leave it for tomorrow!
I don’t feel I should be doing that now.
I start on Monday.
I don't want to do anything today.
Friday is not a good time to start anything.
We will start from the beginning of the week, now it is the weekend.
Because of the weather, I feel very unwilling and do not want to work.
I do not feel I would be able to start doing this now.
It's not for me, I know it.
I wasn't ready.
It's too complicated for me.
It's a league above me.
I knew it wasn't going to be good.
It would not be good anyway if I accepted it.
Examples of fixed mindset at work:
You do this, you know better.
Take my part of the job, you'll get it done faster.
I don't want to work hard at work when they don't pay me enough.
They can't pay me as little as I can work a little.
It's a small salary, but at least I have security.
At least I got a job even though it's not a good salary.
Safety comes first, it's hard to get a job today.
It's hard to make a fair living today.
All who make a lot of money are thieves.
Certainly, she/he did not earn that money honestly.
Whoever works honestly can't make millions.
I'm starting Monday with work.
The weekend gets closer and we won't start the project now.
It's easy for you, you're good with your boss.
We are not all friends with our bosses.
It's easy for everyone when you have someone behind you to get you out of trouble.
I must not make mistakes.
Everyone is shaking their frustration at me.
Nobody loves me honestly.
Everyone's taking advantage of me.
I allow myself to be exploited because I want us to be in better relationships.
Fixed mindset statements:
It is easy for others when they have the support of a family.
Today, everyone succeeds when they have money from their parents.
It's easy for him, he has a rich family.
Everything is a set-up, seen from afar.
You can't make a lot of money by honest work.
They do not earn millions by honest work.
Previously, there were better times to profit.
It's hard to succeed in business today.
There is too much competition to succeed.
Today, jobs are easily failing.
It's easy to fail today.
If you're out of luck, don't start anything new.
If you don't already have a lot of money in your account, don't open a new business.
Too much risk to indulge in it.
Certainly not a good job if they let me work for them.
Conclusion on examples of fixed mindset:
All the examples here show us that we all sometimes find ourselves in a state of fixed mindset from which we think, and we will easily recognize it when we look at certain occasions in life as bad ideas from which we will experience failure. Such fear occurs in every person, but successful people quickly return to thinking from a growth mindset from which they will quickly make the necessary decisions to make certain actions that will lead them to the success they desire.A successful growth mindset is different from the fixed mindset because it leads us through difficult times and events in good faith that from such an event we will become even stronger and more successful.
Believe in yourself and only a positive mindset will lead you the right path to success and a happy life. Work on yourself and your confidence because when you believe in yourself all the obstacles are easier to pass.
A positive mindset is hidden in all people, we just have to allow ourselves a happy life where our progress is possible.