What is a Fixed Mindset: Jump to Success

What is fixed mindset

What is a fixed mindset? A fixed mindset is a way of thinking out of a state of scarcity and poverty that will prevent us from achieving our goals with reason and logic.

A fixed mindset is a way of thinking from a state that we do not want to make changes and in which we are comfortable because we do not need to do anything because we are afraid of failure. 

It is a way of thinking out of a state of scarcity and poverty that convinces us that we cannot accomplish everything we have planned and will find a bunch of reasons to support those doubts that will eventually prevent us from making further moves that could change our future towards our desired goals. 

fixed mindset

A fixed mindset is a way of thinking from a state where we feel comfortable when we have thoughts that fear change for fear of failure. At every opportunity, our thoughts suit us because we feel most comfortable thinking from the state we are in and seeing the opportunities as false opportunities that will certainly not bring us the desired well-being.

The state of such thinking convinces us to logically conclude that what we think is best for us and will find all possible reasons that will prove right to us. From this state of affairs, it will not be possible to remove any doubt, for we will nevertheless find a logical reason why we will succeed if we do something about it.

fixed mindset change

Even if someone persuades us to change and we are forced to take it because of our thinking, we will still fail and, eventually, we will be convinced that we are right and will be able to tell them that we were right and knew that it was best not to do nothing.

The fixed mindset fears change and respond to us with reason and logic from any change that would force us to change the state we are in because we would then have to move into a growth mindset and then this mindset would not be the main way of thinking for us. They would simply leave it behind and that is why reason and logic will struggle to reassure us in every way possible so that we remain in that mindset because when we enter a new state, that old state disappears.

So we skip failure that will not lead us to our goals and turn to our future in which we want to live. Our happiness lies in the action to which we must be prepared to take it and to bring us the successful fruits of our effort.

Skip a fixed mindset and jump into thinking about success because only that mindset will encourage us to truly move towards a more beautiful and successful future we deserve and want. 

It all depends on how much we are willing to sacrifice ourselves to live successfully later. That we will work on our condition daily means working on our future, which will give us back through greater confidence and a willingness to accept tasks and opportunities that will lead us to success, which is currently only an unfulfilled wish for us.

Let's stop identifying with our thoughts because we are so much more than thoughts. Even the condition we are in right now is not us but just a lot of time spent thinking about ourselves and life and so we found ourselves in that state.

What is a fixed mindset definition?

The definition of a fixed mindset is a mindset that has emerged from a constant way of thinking about ourselves and life through a limited view of ourselves and our future, which includes all the opportunities we are given that we refuse for fear of life change because we feel fear of failure and more comfortable we feel to think from that state than to make a change because every change brings us discomfort, and we find a bunch of reasons why we should not make changes because it would bring us tremendous discomfort and indescribable effort. Even when we are forced to make a change out of this state, it will fail and the person who made us take certain steps will be able to prove that we were right and know what is best for us. It is this state of affairs that is most responsible for all the failures that are happening to us because it is very difficult to get out of that mindset, which will prove to us by all available means that we should stay in our usual mindset in which we feel most comfortable and where there is no need for further changes in mindset and action that we do not feel ready for.

Real-world examples with a fixed mindset

Real-world examples with a fixed mindset is, say, we want to improve our financial situation and now we are at a crossroads where we have to choose whether we will accept the opportunity that is currently being given to us in the form of career advancement with which we will make more money because that is what we just really wanted.

With such thinking, it will be very difficult for us to take the necessary steps to seize the opportunity through progress because reason with logic will prevent us from taking steps and accepting that progress. How will reason respond to success?
We doubt that we are not ready enough for the job, that there are certainly better-skilled workers than us, that if we accept that responsibility we will not be happy with the job.

Perhaps reason will offer us many reasons as if we would spend more hours at work, that we would have more responsibility, that our colleagues would love us less, that we would not do well at that job, that we would be fired because our ignorance would show. that we better stay where we are because we have security there. That it is so good for us now and that we do not have to run for the money, that money is bad and that we are bad at considering this promotion at all.

The reason is all possible logic that is available to us and which we blindly believe in and that will perfectly know us to respond to every opportunity that is given to us to change our lives and thus prove to ourselves our worth and to show that reason was wrong.

This is simply impossible until we consciously try to think of ourselves in a different way than we have before and allow ourselves not to be all black and white and to have room for progress in our way of thinking. We will only consciously be able to change the fixed mindset when we are constantly convinced that change is good if we allow it through a positive mindset about us and our future.

Is having a fixed mindset bad?

Having a fixed mindset is bad because it will prevent us from making changes-related decisions that would bring about a change in current thinking. It is bad because, with logic and reason, we will withdraw from the action we need to take to truly change our lives for the better.

This mindset is bad because it fears any change in mindset because thoughts come from it for fear of failure. This mindset is associated with thinking about scarcity, fear of failure, poverty, failure to progress, and a negative way of thinking about all the opportunities that might change our view of the world around us, which would mean that we can accept a different mindset that is inconsistent with by what our logic assures us.

Conclusion on what a fixed mindset is:

A fixed mindset is a way of thinking from a state that we do not want to make changes and in which we are comfortable because we do not need to do anything because we are afraid of failure. It is a way of thinking out of a state of scarcity and poverty that convinces us that we cannot accomplish everything we have planned and will find a bunch of reasons to support those doubts that will eventually prevent us from making further moves that could change our future towards our desired goal.

Stop believing in your current mindset if you want to change your life because changing a fixed mindset will change your current state of mind and then you will be able to easily achieve the success you aspire to.