The Consciousness of The Universe ( Big Secret about Us)

Consciousness of the universe

The consciousness of the universe is also our consciousness. We are part of one being we can call God, the universe, or whatever name you want to give something bigger than us. We are a part of him and he is a part of us. We are spiritual beings, and our higher being in us whom we call soul is that universe or God we feel like a part of us. When we want to manifest something in life, then we turn to the universe or God to help us. We deeply know that there are beings who make up this set of powers that we feel and through which we can accomplish absolutely everything we want.

We are part of the consciousness of the universe. Here's the big secret.

We are part of that consciousness of the universe made up of many consciousnesses and which is the most powerful force that drives the whole world we know. Who knows how many more worlds lurk in the parallel realities we know about, all driven by collective consciousness. Parallel worlds are as real as ours, in which there is every possible event we could ever imagine and what decisions are being made.

So when we decide something by our decision and our thinking, we go through one reality, and by choosing another decision we can go through another reality. The world is conceived so that all these realities do not touch even though they are real. They run side by side, but we have nothing to do with them until we reach a certain level of awareness. The more aware we are of our level, the more information is available to us. Information about everything is close to us, but we cannot understand it until we reach a higher level of consciousness. More and more information is available to us through books, pages on the Internet, and it becomes clearer to us.

The secret is that we are spiritual beings who are united with a group of consciousness into one great powerful being who materially creates all the worlds through our thoughts. So our thinking creates material things from the health and opportunity around us. People realized that we function the same way. With our thinking, we acquire certain opportunities that we would not be able to obtain if we were not widely aware. With each level, life becomes more comfortable and enjoyable.

While at a lower level, we only deal with the things that are around us. As we reach an increased level of awareness, we also focus our attention on intangible values. How much awareness exists in the world right now, so many different ways of thinking and desires that come in many forms. There are so many positive and negative events around us that all these people create with their thinking.

Let me explain. Quietly arguing with a neighbor creates fertile ground for further quarrels that will surely happen to anyone or anyone else. You don't have to experience it with yourself, but you will certainly feel that bitter feeling you had while arguing. Why do I say you shouldn't argue with your neighbor? Because we are all one consciousness and we all participate in a way to fulfill the desire of another.

Whoever thinks of a quarrel is equal to his desire. Now another person who is at the same level of consciousness will fill it with ease because they are both at the same level of consciousness from which they are unconsciously communicating and thinking the same. This is not possible for people who are thinking about more pleasant things even though they are around.


Powerful beings in the consciousness of the universe.

We are these powerful beings without even knowing it. Observe the people around you. You will see that many are accomplishing what they intended to do or said they would. We do this unconsciously and automatically. We create every new day on an unconscious level. We think about things that bother us and look for ways out of certain situations. We are part of the consciousness of the universe and all beings in it. We do each other tremendous favors so that we can learn more on a spiritual level in certain situations.

The only reason we are here is to grow at the spiritual level of consciousness with which the consciousness of the universe grows. In this way, all beings grow spiritually together to a higher level and altogether become more powerful. In the sense that they perceive other people and situations with their level of consciousness as opportunities for spiritual progress. Learn how to use your awareness of the life you want to live.

To give other people around us better health or a better financial situation than they have now. We are here to help other people in need. We are also contributing to the level of peace in the world. If, peaceful thinking creates peaceful events around you and the more people think about it, the better the world is. Even with a logical mindset, you can understand that this is true. 

If you want to contribute to peace in the world and improve mental health and peace in yourself, start thinking about the things that will bring you that feeling. With that feeling comes a change in you and a longer thinking at that level changes your attitude about the things around you. With that comes a change in your behavior and that's when you make the different decisions you make in life. These decisions will lead you to a more successful and fulfilling life than confirming in yourself the feelings and thoughts of bitterness and anger in people who make you angry. Get away from the outside world in no time.

 Let the people around you be what they can be on their own level. Work on yourself to reach a higher level of awareness from which you can help people around you. The great secret about the consciousness of the universe and how you think it is before you. Depending on your current situation, you can accept it and start working for your own benefit, or you can ignore everything you read and continue at the pace of life as before. It's your decision, and it just depends on the level of awareness you are at. All is well. Everyone will make the right decision at the right time that will change his life for the better. 

Do not worry. Keep thinking about the life you want to live. We do everything on an automatic level. Thinking about well-being will bring you to a level of well-being that will be made possible for you through some "accidental" events and that will bring you into that state and that feeling that you have nurtured within yourself. Thoughts are your masterpiece. Look at life around you and see if you are satisfied? Now you know the way to effect change around you.

Consciousness of earth

The third dimension is the slow level of consciousness of the universe.

We are in the third dimension and everything is happening more slowly here. That is why when you think about progress in life and things stay in their place, many give up. You only need a certain amount of time to go through which is different for your every wish. So no one knows how much time you need to change your life for the better, but with patience and hard work on yourself, you can certainly do that. 

That's the law. The most important thing is that you need to know that you can spend your life fantasizing about a better and more successful life, and that never has to happen. You need to start thinking if you want to become successful as the successful person you are now. You need to change your mind about yourself. 

You need to see yourself and think of yourself as an already successful person because only then will opportunities be available that will lead you to success. So do you want to be successful? See yourself as a successful person, think of yourself as a successful person, and think of yourself as a successful person. You have to balance your thinking with what you would have if you were already a successful person. 

Only then will you be able to see and get opportunities that surround you that are not available to you because you are not at the level of a successful person. Then you can meet certain people who can offer you good jobs, you can start your own business, you can win some cash prizes. There are endless possibilities that can be given to you and your task is one and only. Think of yourself as a successful person. It does not mean to go shopping for things you have no money for or to lie to people that the situation is better than it is.

It simply means deep down in every way you see yourself as a successful person who does what he loves and enjoys in life. Repeat the word success within yourself at any free moment, and when you go to sleep in the evening, let it be a lullaby. Success should be the only thing you keep repeating and thinking about.

When you convince yourself that you really are a successful person, then you will not look at the results as they will become natural and part of you. When that mindset becomes natural, things will continue to happen naturally and things will start moving around you that you think would happen anyway. Everything will happen in a natural way.

In this blog, you have detailed information on how to succeed in life the easy way just by changing your mindset. Save the page for easy return for more information.

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