Happiness is a state of mind (become the best version)

happiness is a state of mind

The answer to the question whether happiness is a state of mind is positive. Happiness is a state of mind and is reflected through the way we think about our lives in general. Whether we are currently in a state of happiness or negativity depends on how we will experience the situation that is just happening before our eyes. So everything moves first inside. The most important thing is that we are in our current state and from that state we follow further reactions to the events around us.

We rate these events as positive or negative depending on whether we are feeling good or bad at that moment. You realize that at some point people may react violently to a particular word without actually saying anything different than usual. Reactions to the events around us stem from our spiritual state of consciousness.

Happiness is a state of mind in us.

How to achieve happiness? We can achieve happiness simply or hardly, depending on whether we are used to thinking that change takes a lot of effort or we feel that rapid change is possible. It depends on your thinking so far. We are beings of habit and automatically respond to stimuli and events around us. You know when you drive a car you don't have to think about how to drive it because you learned it and you can focus on the traffic around you. In the same way, we do everything in life.

From morning to evening, the days are generally similar and when some changes happen, without getting used to it, it takes us a while to accept them and start feeling comfortable with those changes. We have a habit of eating at certain times and when that time approaches we become hungry. Anyone who likes to drink coffee in the morning if they skip may have a headache, or just be dissatisfied with the skipped step they have learned to do. The more we live our lifestyles, the harder our changes are to embrace something new.

How do you interpret the situation when you see someone watching you and laughing? Is he laughing at you, is he happy to see you, or is he just a nice person who loves people? What first comes to your mind when you experience it? What happens when you experience something similar? We perceive happiness as a state of mind in which we find ourselves in various situations. We discover a state in which we find ourselves after reacting to that state. Can this change? Of course, but it depends solely on the man himself how much he is ready for change.

best version of yourself

Is happiness a state of mind and how can we be happier?

The way we can achieve a state of happiness is through a new way of thinking. Meaning that we should reject all thoughts that make us feel bad when we think them. It sounds very light, doesn't it? Unfortunately, we are taught to argue with our neighbors, the people around us, and everyone who annoys us. This leads to bad situations in which we face various problems. For your responsible state of mind in which you are currently thinking.

If they simply decided to focus all their attention only on positive thinking over time, they would get used to thinking differently. Perhaps some negative situations would bring us back to an earlier state, but change would be a faster return to a state of happiness and positive thinking. Let's say someone is doing something that really bothers you and you would spend days thinking about that person through the old way of thinking, while it might take half a day through a new way of thinking because you now know how to focus your thoughts on other topics.

It takes some time in which we learn a new way of thinking and through that time we get used to thinking that way. This habit becomes more comfortable for us and we embrace it as part of ourselves. When we accept that as part of ourselves, then we too change and become a newer version of ourselves. Like when you get a new update for a new device, it starts working better. In the same way, you begin to function at a new level that was not possible before.

With a new transformation, you begin to experience old and new situations in an improved way. You become a new improved version of yourself that is slowly starting to live a new improved life with a new state of mind in happiness.

This state of mind brings improvements on many levels through better health, opportunities that have never happened to you before, meeting good friends and feeling better. You start looking at the people around you in a nicer way and they start treating you better. 

It is a progression through a state of consciousness that brings progress in every field of life. And the answer to the question of whether happiness is a state of mind is the answer is that happiness is a state of mind.

For more information on how to improve your life through a new mindset, check out the pages on this blog that give you many clear tips. Make sure you save these pages so you can easily find them again.