Stages of Spiritual Awakening: Make the Best Decision Ever

Stages of spiritual awakening

3 Stages of spiritual awakening that are most common and important are:

  1. In the first phase of spiritual awakening, we wonder what our purpose is and why we are here. 
  2. In the second phase of spiritual awakening, we begin to explore spirituality through various books, videos, various spiritual teachers.
  3. In the third phase, we will experience various beautiful experiences and our view of situations from a completely different perspective.
Now find yourself in the stages of spiritual awakening and discover what stage you are in now. There is no competition just our progress towards the success and successful life we ​​want to live. Make the best decision ever and begin your journey towards the wonderful life you deserve.

The stages of spiritual awakening are different for each of us. Everyone has their path that is very different from others and their own pace of development as they progress toward spiritual awakening. We can divide the stages of spiritual awakening into 3 stages.

stages of spiritual awakening progress

In the first phase of spiritual awakening, we wonder what our purpose is and why we are here. We come to questions about us and feel the need to change our lives toward something higher than ourselves. At this stage, we do not yet know why, but spiritually we know that there is something more than us and that we are ready for change to experience it.

In the second phase of spiritual awakening, we begin to explore spirituality through various books, videos, various spiritual teachers, some of which will suit us and others will not. At this stage, we are looking for more and exploring as much as possible to come up with answers that mean a lot to us. At this stage, we still have great unknowns about who we are and why we are here but slowly but surely we arrive at an increasing level of spiritual awakening through various insights from the people we follow or the books we read.

This is a very exciting phase because we feel within ourselves that we are changing and we like that feeling of working on ourselves and going through various stages of spiritual awakening because we feel that we are becoming brand new people through the knowledge of us and our purpose that we have.

stages of spiritual awakening realize purpose

When we realize our purpose, life becomes much easier for us, and when we learn how to live in harmony with the people around us, we become much more peaceful, content and happy.

At this stage, we realize that humans are not our competition, but our mirror, which shows us what our condition is and what we still have to work on ourselves.

It is wonderful to live life in a new way that no longer involves the struggle for something we want but already feel that it is our right to have what we want and that we just have to work on ourselves to direct our thoughts to the desired goal where we have everything we want and feel who will welcome us in that reality when we have already achieved the success we desire for ourselves.

We must already carry that sense of success in ourselves as the clothes we wear because we will identify with the feeling of being a successful person and after a while, it will become a natural part of us that will lead us on the path to further success.

Isn't it wonderful to know that for a particular job you do not have to fight the competition but convince your subconscious mind and yourself that you are what you want to be right now and that it is natural for you?

stages of spiritual awakening no fight the competition

No one will take the job that you are spiritually prepared for and created for you. Only when a doubt arises in us does it manifest itself through a certain person who is better for the job or an event occurs and that job remains only our wish

At this stage, we begin to look at people as friends who behave according to our condition and only in this way can they show us what our current state is and what we still need to work on to reach a higher stage of spiritual awakening.

In the third phase, we will constantly focus on the desired goal, which will guide us through all the next steps, and in that phase, we will experience various beautiful experiences through people and our view of different situations from a completely different perspective.

The joy we will feel with our change is amazing and wonderful because we will have a real feeling that will guide us and show us that we are on the right path of spiritual awakening.

Our change in this third phase of spiritual awakening will be significant and we will feel it more and more every day with the best results we will reach our goals and when we have to wait longer for some goals we will wait for them in peace and satisfaction because these feelings will be a natural part of us.

You wonder for sure, what happens when we wake up spiritually and go in an unknown direction? Everything goes slowly and every change comes slowly, except we do not recognize it immediately, so it seems to us that it happened suddenly.

We are slowly preparing ourselves mentally for the changes that follow because all the changes come at the right time. We are spiritual beings and in the last few years, there has been a real leap in spiritual awakening among people. This was also contributed by social networks that connected like-minded people.

The first phase. What is my purpose here?

You slowly become aware of yourself and start looking at things around you in a different way. You start to look at the people around you in a gentle way. You think a lot about why you are here on Earth? A lot of questions revolve around your head.

What is your purpose here? Are you on the right track? This is a very long phase where you will be spinning because you probably do not have anyone to understand you and who you can relate to. We are fortunate in technology that gives us wonderful opportunities and will greatly help us in these stages of spiritual awakening.

Second phase. We begin to explore all possible questions about spirituality.

We have the joy of feeling something wonderful as a spiritual awakening and now we are trying to connect with people who have experienced the same. At this stage, we come across real groups where we can talk to people at our own level of spirituality who can understand us. We begin to ask deeper questions and look for better answers as we need even more knowledge. We have a will for everything related to spirituality. We read many books in the hope of better answers because many do not satisfy us.

The third phase. Practicing various techniques to achieve greater levels of spiritual awakening.

Now at this stage, we stop reading so much. We know that we have already learned a lot and we are going to test all that we have read so far. This is a very interesting phase that will last for the rest of your life.

We know we have the knowledge and now we turn to practice and working on ourselves. It was at this stage that we came to peace with the people around us and within ourselves. We have come to the respect that we feel for ourselves and so for the people around us. At this stage, we realize that all we need is to love ourselves and the people around us.

At this stage of spiritual awakening, we come to the desire to share this knowledge with the rest of the world on the highest level possible, because we know that this information is something most valuable that a person who feels spiritual awakening can read. It is important to emphasize that at this stage we are not looking for people around us to change and to experience spiritual awakening because we have experienced it ourselves.

That phase has passed. Now we are only trying to leave clues that conscientious people can find when their time comes to do so. Change is happening to each of us at the right time and everyone has the right time. Enjoy every moment and indulge in beautiful thoughts as they are the path that will take you to a higher level of consciousness.

Peace is the most important substance that man can possess and which is the most valuable in this world. The peace you carry within you is spreading to other people only by your presence you will bring it into the world of other people.