How long does a spiritual awakening last?: Time is Irrelevant

How long does a spiritual awakening last
Spiritual awakening takes as long as it takes to reach the highest level of consciousness and is independent of time. Everyone will come to that level in their own time. There is no equal rule for all people. The way we think, how we develop our consciousness and how much we have the desire to progress on ourselves, we will continue to do so. It may take some longer, but we will all come to a more spiritual level of consciousness in which we will learn the greatest breadth of this spiritual journey we have embarked on.

So, everyone wonders how long the spiritual awakening will take and when will it end? It's a sign of impatience. On the path of spiritual awakening, we will learn that we should not bother with time because time is irrelevant. Although here on earth, time is a key item, in the spiritual world it is important how you progress.

The way you think about yourself and the people around you is important. What matters is how far you have progressed with your thoughts and what you identify with. Everything is more important than time, which means nothing for spiritual awakening.

Impatience is not a good trait and is an indication that we still have to work on ourselves. This is not a bad sign that we all go from impatience to harmony in which time becomes less important and we focus more on how we feel. If you know that there is more to life than work and obligation and that we need to discover the greater truth, you are right. I think deep down that is what every being on the planet feels. We can't rationalize it, it's simply part of us, that's what we're born with.

Our consciousness is slowly but surely developing and does not expect sudden changes as everything comes at a natural pace for us. Don't expect to wake up one morning thinking just the opposite, but it will come naturally to you. Yes, of course, you will feel and see changes in yourself sometimes and instantly, but over time you will see how those changes were made.

We are wonderful beings full of love and joy, we have simply forgotten it and now we are on the path of development that we need to remember who we are. We need to understand ourselves at a higher level of consciousness and we need to fall in love and realize our true value. It all starts with thinking about us.

Everyone has a different opinion of themselves and everyone is on their journey of discovering the love and harmony that will be the rewards and part of the path of spiritual awakening. Simply, when you are on the path of spiritual awakening, you will start to feel different, you will have more tolerance for yourself and the people around you, and it will not be right at the beginning.

This sincere understanding that everyone is on their life path comes slowly but so firmly that you will never be able to return to the old way of thinking.

Spiritual awakening is not a race, but a slow, safe path

Spiritual awakening is not a race, but a slow, safe path

The main question is not how long and when the spiritual awakening ends, but how much we have achieved so far and how much we want to move on. We need to focus on ourselves and find love for ourselves. We need to love ourselves and start appreciating ourselves and have a nice life because it should be comfortable and beautiful. We are only so far from the real truth that we do not see a way to make it true when we see the people around us suffer so much in life.

The biggest truth is that everyone is on their spiritual path and we all have to go through all these low levels to be where we are today and to go through them as many times as we need to know the truth about ourselves.

We need to understand ourselves and give ourselves enough time to move forward. We want to live our life path, we just forgot about as we grew up. You see, it depends on what family you were born with and who you grew up with because you have adopted millions of their thoughts and behaviors as your own, and now on a spiritual journey you will need to find your thoughts about everything that surrounds you.

The spiritual journey is the personal development of awareness of everything. You see through childhood that you learned about everything through other people and their behavior, and now you have to leave it and start learning about life and yourself in a different way, as it is.

How long will a spiritual journey take

How long will a spiritual journey take?

The spiritual journey will take as long as it takes for each person to develop to a higher level of consciousness and to achieve love and tolerance for himself and everyone around him. Spiritual awakening is our personal development of consciousness that will last until we truly become more aware of the thinking, attitude, behavior, beliefs, and actions we take.

We will become aware of what we are thinking and how we perceive things around us. We will understand what we are identifying with because that is what we aspire to whether we want it or not. What we identify with is part of our beliefs and beliefs transposed into the value system we have for ourselves.

On a spiritual journey, we will realize that we receive only as much as we think we value, and if we want to change our lives to be more comfortable and beautiful, we will need to change our value system about ourselves. So I say we need to work on understanding our value.

Why does spiritual awakening take so long

Why does spiritual awakening take so long?

For fear of the unknown, lack of will to change our current lifestyles and thinking, lack of discipline to work for ourselves, for insecurity, feeling of less value, lack of love for ourselves, for doubt about the ability to change our life, our beliefs we have, because of all the thoughts, we are currently dealing with.

It blocks us all in spiritual awakening and slowly with perseverance every fear will slowly diminish and disappear and new perspectives will open up where we will look at the same events with a whole new mindset that will inspire us to even greater changes that will happen gradually and naturally. Simply and naturally, spiritual awakening is developing in us and we are moving to new levels that were not available to us before.

Spiritual awakening is a journey where we change our way of thinking, values, attitudes, behaviors and looking at the world from a new perspective. Our relationships with the people and events around us reach a new level that brings us well-being. There are so many blessings of spiritual awakening if we feel we are ready and want to go down that path that there is no better way of life that can bring you greater happiness and satisfaction.

Conclusion on spiritual awakening and how long it lasts

Conclusion on spiritual awakening and how long it lasts:

It will take years and years for spiritual awakening and our development, but it will not be our focus, but our personal development and satisfaction that we will receive and live if we continue along this path. Time is not important, but our personal development through thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions that we will do in the path of our spiritual awakening. 

The duration of spiritual awakening is just one irrelevant aspect that has nothing to do with our ultimate goal of knowing the truth about ourselves and developing ourselves to a higher level of consciousness. 

Time is just our concept that we come up with and the higher your level of awareness, the less important your time is and the more personal development you will enjoy. You will feel pleasure and happiness as your life changes and in which direction your thoughts and actions move towards all events that will greet you. 

So stop worrying about the duration of your spiritual awakening because time is not important, only your progress will be important and you will be aware of it.

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