Money Affirmations That Work Fast! Perfect Money Affirmations From YouTube.

These are perfect money affirmations that work fast if you will listen to them. Help yourself with new beliefs that you deserve money and that money will come to you easily. 

Listen to these money affirmations that work fast on YouTube:

  1. My bank account feels so full.
  2. I feel free and secure.
  3. I do good things with money.
  4. I use my money in wise and fun ways.
  5. I love feeling how money flows to me.
  6. I welcome money into my life.
  7. I love the way it feels that money is coming to me.
With money, you will feel more confident, secure, free, peaceful, calm, good, brave, ready, relaxed, trusting, proud, smart, important, content, protected, pleased, thankful, welcoming, independent.