Learning about the relationship between attitude and behavior

In a simple and straightforward way, I will explain how to change your life and why people treat you a certain way.
Do you realize that we all have different views on different things and behave accordingly? Depending on your view that people are good, you will behave differently to people than a person who thinks people just want to take advantage of him. So everything starts from you and from what you really think deep inside. Your views came from the environments in which you grew up watching and learning from the behavior of the people around you. You slowly connected the events around them and saw from their perspective the views that you yourself accepted. Of course, you also dismissed some because you did not find yourself in that mindset.

relationship between attitude and behavior

Learning about the relationship between your attitude and behavior towards people and situations around you.

It all starts with the mindset with which we slowly create an attitude about something or someone. So in order to change our attitudes, we have to start from the basics into a mindset. Changing your mindset about relationships with people in general will bring about a big change in your life, because your persistence will change your natural attitude and therefore your behavior. Accordingly, you need to know that their behavior will change the same way for you. It's a two-way street. As you think of people, so do they think of you. If you are constantly arguing in your thoughts with a certain person or with a lot of people, you are directing your thoughts toward the discussions that are inevitable.

The way we think about people is the same as the way they think about us and behave accordingly. Let's find out more about it.

The relationship between attitude and behavior is quite obvious.

attitude and behavior

The definition of attitude is an established way of thinking or feeling about something.
The definition of behavior
is how one acts or behaves, especially towards others.

So the difference is in the way of thinking, and accordingly the way of action that arises from that thinking.
If we want to change our relationships with people, we need to focus on changing our thinking about people in general. Believing that people are friendly and kind you will really start to act on that attitude. Your behavior will lead you to change your relationship with people for the better. Be patient with yourself. You haven't built an attitude in a moment, so it will probably take a long time to start thinking in contrast to your current thinking if you want to see different results around you.

Patience and persistence build a change in mindset that builds attitude and change behavior.

You see, one does not go without the other. You cannot lie to yourself that people are good and at the same time argue in your thoughts. People feel it. The energy in you tells people what you really think and feel about them. You know yourself when someone pretends to be good. You just know it. No one has to tell you that.
So I'm telling you, start focusing your thoughts on the good sides of the people around you. Turn your attention to only good things that might help you in your mindset.

It is very important, and perhaps most important, to consider what your position is about yourself. What do you think about yourself?

Do you think you are a good person? Do you think you are worth the good things when they happen to you? Do you recognize your worth? Do you think people love and appreciate you? Do people respect you? Do you easily handle and talk to people? Is there room for change for the better in your attitudes and behavior? It is a work in itself. Just like you do at work and you need time to learn something new, the same way you have to start changing your attitude about yourself. It’s a long-term process that pays off in the long run. Why? Because this is your life that you can spend underestimating yourself or encouraging yourself. Of course, it is your decision and it is up to you to decide to change. Now you know you have that option. Good luck!